Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Making use of hearing aid accessories while clearing the myths that surround hearing loss

Hearing loss is normally associated with old age and genetics and the use of hearing aid accessories is still frowned upon by many especially young people. Hearing loss does not come alone since there are many other problems that are associated with hearing loss if it is not taken care of on time. People who are suffering from hearing loss generally suffer from low self esteem and in later stages of life may suffer from dementia.

Hearing loss is related to genetics and old age only

Hearing loss is not just related to old age and genetics there are several other reasons why a person may suffer from hearing loss. Head injuries, benign tumors, earwax, foreign body present in the ear, infection in the ear canal or a perforated ear drum due to trauma are some of the major reasons for hearing loss which may be rectified with the use of hearing aid accessories. All these conditions can and do occur in a young adult or child. Thus hearing loss is not just a problem that will occur at an advanced age.

Young adults need not worry about hearing aids and hearing aid accessories

Noise is not only a pollutant it is a big health hazard mainly because it induces hearing loss. According to a study one in five people in USA alone over the age of 12 have hearing loss problems due to high decibels of noise. Continuous exposure to loud sounds is a big reason for loss of hearing among people above the age of 12. Louder more frequent and longer exposures to sounds has a tendency to induce hearing loss. The nerves and the sensitive parts of the ears are damaged over time if you are someone who frequents loud rock band, discs, and then have a penchant for loud music on your personal music system. Young adults are more inclined to expose themselves to loud sounds and in the process damage their hearing capabilities.

Hearing aid accessories make one look old and out of fashion

Although hearing aid accessories used to be bulky and conspicuous by their presence earlier; these days compact small sized hearing aids that can fit in the ear drum are in vogue. If you are one who feels that wearing a hearing aid will make you feel old and handicapped think about the situation when someone is trying to communicate with you on an important issue and you are not able to understand anything which may have a really bad effect on your life. Seeing hearing aid accessories as something that are assisting you to live life better will surely help you get out of the stigma of feeling handicapped, out of fashion and old. Still if you are really concerned about your looks go for hearing aid accessories that can fit into your ear canal and are not visible to anyone.

People with serious hearing loss only need hearing aid accessories

Even the minor hearing loss problem will lead to major issues in your hearing if not treated or taken care of on time. This is because over a period of time your brain will not be able to comprehend the sounds and you may just not be able to hear everything right. There are people who will postpone getting hearing aid accessories time and again citing various excuses but the hard fact remains that they are just ruining their condition. Apart from that hearing loss also affects the overall health of an individual.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Communicating with hard of hearing people with deaf accessories

Communication is a two way process where there is a sender and a receiver. The sender is the one who is responsible to the get the message across to the receiver. Thus the onus of responsibility of the message to be delivered to the receiver does not lie with the receiver but with the sender. Communication with people who are hard of hearing can be a bit of problem if you are not used to it. However as human beings we are intelligent enough to make efforts to open a communication channel with people who are suffering from hearing loss. The onus of getting a message across to a person with a hearing loss lies with the person who is communicating with him.

Sign language is a good option without deaf accessories

Many people may be averse to the idea of using deaf accessories. This may be due to personal preference or even due to medical reasons. Sometimes hearing loss is to such a degree that one cannot hear even with the help of deaf accessories. However communication does not stop here. As human beings we have developed sign language that is easy to master and a bit of practice makes it easy for one to understand and communicate in a seamless manner. However when using sign language make sure you do not surprise someone. Before communicating with someone who is hard of hearing you need to catch their attention and make them realize that you want to talk. If you are behind them make sure you come face to face to ensure better and clear communication.

Your expressions will play a big role in communication

While communicating with a person with a hearing loss make it a point that you do not shout. Even if the person is wearing deaf accessories and is not able to get your message clearly shouting is not an option since it is going to make things loud but definitely not clear. Check if the setting on the deaf accessory (hearing aid) is correct. While communicating with people suffering hearing loss it is imperative to have control on your expressions. A person with a hearing loss will take into account the kinds of expressions you are giving while you are communicating with them. Practice by many people suffering from hearing loss over the years makes them experts in terms of lip reading. Communication with people suffering from hearing loss without deaf accessories is not easy but it is not impossible.

Deaf accessories are a big boost for people with a hearing loss

Hearing loss is a big problem worldwide and can happen at any age due to various reasons. Genetics, exposure to loud noises, age, infections, trauma to the ear, some medications and toxins are some of the reasons for hearing loss among human beings. Hearing loss comes with a lot of problems especially communication problems. Deaf accessories are quite helpful in overcoming daily problems faced by individuals since they help in building the self confidence of the individual while making his hearing normal and clear. Deaf accessories does not really mean the hearing aids we put on our ears it covers a lot of products like TV amplifies, Amplified Telephones, Emergency Alerting Devices, Phone Amplifiers, Vibrating Alarm Clocks, Pocketalker Amplifiers, Amplified Stethoscopes and many more. The use may depend upon the needs and requirements of the individual.